Contact, Rates, Availability
(the 'Me' page!)
+44 7930 505474
Rates: £50/hr (negotiable or waived v.a.v. collaborations, travelling/subsistence).
Distance not usually a problem. Work sometimes in France from Normandy/Paris every few weeks, otherwise based in UK South East; occasionally work for days in the Midlands.
Calendar has no permanent/recurring non-available slots
Work is also viewable at:
on Modelfolio modelling site;
on Instagram
Or (if you've arrived here by mistake) my writing site is:
'Alan Morrison-Topping'
'Naomi and Her Friends'
and for Railfans/History buffs 1960s to date, see 'Collections' page above OR :
'Faster than Fairies'
Now I use digital and/or analogue Leica, Nikon, Pentax, Minolta, Bronica and sometimes Rolleicord or a Leidolf. In my early career had to make do with a Coronet Box, then a Penguin bellows before my first 35mm Halina 35X, and graduated through Mamiyas and Prakticas to Canon and Pentax Minolta and Bronica, before reluctantly embracing digital Nikons.
What I do is mostly represented in the various portfolio compilations.
I've shot most things, only been frightened a couple of times: a long wheel-based French Gas Turbine Train on a tight curve foxed me when the near side buffer almost took out my Rolleicord (and me with it); there was a terrifying ground shot from the top of Dymchurch lighthouse's exterior rail, and recently when I had booked some simple head and ECU shots with a great girl who halfway through told me 'I really only do adult' and the shoot kind of went downhill from there!
Happy to chat through any projects you may have in mind.
Eleanor Roosevelt said that one's life is a message to everyone else, and that one should ensure it's worth listening to. I think of pictures being a message, and hope mine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .