Winchfield: down express. Merchant Navy class. July 1964
Tiny Ramsden on footbridge, me behind camera; we had cycled from Reading.
Halina 35X, 45mm fixed lens, K2 filter. Ilford FP3

Winchfield: down express. DMU Class 158. July 2021Class passing demolished platform and signal box.
Halina 35X, 45mm fixed lens. K2 filter. Ilford FP4 in Perceptol

Winchfield: down steam excursion. Merchant Navy class 35018. July 2021
Not on the same fast line as it stopped here for water from a tanker. Hoards of people most of whom would not have been born in 1964
Repurchased Halina 35X, 45mm fixed lens,K2 filter. Ilford FP4 in Perceptol

Winchfield: Up Express with West Country Class 34040. July 1964

Winchfield: the returning excusion. So dark, I had to use the Nikon. At least 75mph and I wasn't quite ready for it but kept going in the following pics! July 2021
Nikon D850, Tamron 35/80 lens. (1000ASA)